Thursday, September 28, 2023

Privacy, Online & Off


    What I have learned through the first video by Juan Enriquez is that apps like facebook, instagram, and GPS are all like tattoos in a way. They are electronic tattoos that provide people with more information than a tattoo ever would. And by us having these we are losing the leverage we had to people that are watching what we do on your phone. And it is getting hard to hide from things like this because of facial recognition. By having this it makes it easier to find out things about strangers.By us using electronic tattoos we are closer to immortality because they will live a lot longer than we will live. These issues affect us because the internet always knows what we post. Therefore we need to be careful about what we put out there. The government could help this issue by creating something to stop electronic tattoos.

    In the second video I learned about how surveillance equipment is being sent to police stations around the United States. And how it is giving them sensitive information about us. One of the things that they are getting is our location. They can tell if you go to church or if you don't. Things like this used to be private but now they are not.

    With all of the videos that i watched one thing was the same in all of them. It is that the government is taking our privacy. This is affecting us by the government not even allowing us to go about our normal life without getting information about us. We could not even do anything wrong and they are still collecting this information “just in case” it is needed. How we can protect ourselves from this is to pay attention to things like this and not be oblivious to it. Also by watching what we post or even do or say out loud. 

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