Saturday, December 9, 2023

My relationship with technology


My relationship with technology has always been a big part of my life. And as I grew up it started to be something that I have to rely on. Without a doubt technology has made our lives easier by providing entertainment, GPS, fast communication, and so much more. Most of the time I use technology to provide me entertainment from my normal life, to see what fun other people's lives are compared to mine. But I also use technology for staying in touch with my friends and family back at home. Being that I'm in college and can't see those I love, having this fast communication is very convenient to me. 

Growing up as a kid I never was attached to technology like I am now. My Parents did a good job with making sure I never spent too much time with it, only allowing a certain amount of time with it. I grew up spending most of my free time outside playing with friends. But nowadays kids don't spend time outside. In a study done by Sanford Health News they say that on average american kids don't spend 10 minutes a day outside. The first time technology was given to me was when I was 11 years old and the only reason I was allowed to have it was because my mom would drop me off at soccer practice and go back to work and some days it would rain and I would have no way to tell her that she needed to come get me. 

At the time of highschool was when technology became something that I relied o
n. It became more for personal use than just for communication. In Highschool I decided to get into the world of social media. I decided to download Instagram and many other platforms like it to show family members and friends what I was doing in my life.  

Do I think that my relationship with technology is healthy? I think at times it can be unhealthy and there are also times that it's not. Sometimes I use technology for my educational purposes which I think is ok. But there are also times I spend too much time just scrolling on apps wasting my day away when I could be doing something productive. But overall I think that my relationship with it is unhealthy and that I need to cut back on the use of technology. I often get stuck on the endless cycle of scrolling on apps which later leads to me not prioritizing the right things. Spending too much time on my phone and not on homework or socializing with friends. Which is not something I want to happen. I know that this is the same for some of my friends because there have been times I have wanted to go and do something with them but they tell me they need their down time on their phone to just be able to scroll on social media for an hour or two. 

My online footprint is just what I thought it would have been. Most of the things that come up are my social media platforms. With that being said my parents have always been very strict on what I post online making sure nothing I post I would later regret posting.  

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My relationship with technology

  My relationship with technology has always been a big part of my life. And as I grew up it started to be something that I have to rely on....