Monday, September 11, 2023

EOTO timeline

     Most of us have grown up on Netflix but if you don't know what it is. Netflix is an online subscription streaming service that offers access to online movies and tv shows with lots of different genres. Netflix also is not just for America they are available internationally and also provide lots of different languages. Most of us know Netflix as an online streaming service. But that's not how they stated. Netflix wanted to change the market. At the time it was inconvenient to rent movies and people often got late fees for returning their movies back in late. 

Netflix was created by two Americans named Marc Randolph and Reed Hastings in 1997. It started because Marc was curious if it was possible to rent a DVD by the mail instead of having to drive to the store. Marc wanted a way to not have a limited choice of movies and have to deal with late fees. The two of them had a bad encounter with one of the stores and were tired of dealing with the stores. They decided to test out their idea on themselves. Their idea worked and they started working on their idea for Netflix.

    In 1998 was when it all started. They launched and began to offer online subscriptions through the internet. Customers of Netflix would go onto their website and get to pick either a movie or TV show of their choosing and Netflix would then send them a DVD and a return envelope through the mail to the customer. Most customers would subscribe for one month at a time.During that one month customers had no limit to how many movies or tv shows they could rent. But the number of DVD’s that could get sent to you was according to what plan you were on. 

In 2007 is when Netflix made the big change.They started to offer movies and TV shows in homes. So there was no need for stores that offered DVD’s. From that time on Netflix has been making big changes with even coming out with some of their own Netflix originals like Outer Banks, Stranger Things, and The Crown and many more. These shows have become some of Netflix's biggest hits on the streaming services. 

While researching I have learned that there are positives and negative things with Netflix. Some of the positives is that they made it easier for people to watch movies and not have to worry about late fees. Netflix also has algorithms just like most apps. Netflix has a section to pick from called “based on what you have watched” which is where Netflix offers shows that are like ones you have already watched. I know for me personally I love picking things to watch from that section because it is just what I like. 

But when there's positive there is also negative. Although Netflix has made it so much easier to find movies you want to watch and not have to go though the troubles of having to find somewhere that has it and having to remember to return it in time so that you don't get a late fee. They have started to make other movie companies that work this way like Blockbuster shut down for good. It is also making the cable services suffer because with Netflix you don't have ads and you don't have to wait for the next episode.

As Netflix continues to grow we as customers need to recognize the positives and negatives of what netflix has to offer.

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