Monday, October 16, 2023

EOTO, Presentations

   What I learned during one of the presentations is what news deserts are and how it is seen today.A news desert is when a community does not rely on daily or non daily newspapers. News desert occurs for lots of reasons but some of them are because there is a lack of supply and demand. People would rather get their news from somewhere else other than having to wait a day to find out the news. Another reason that there are news deserts is because there are online readerships. This is when someone would rather pay for an online source than having to pay for a newspaper. The truth is that people are starting to refrain from newspapers because they can get their news easier and faster now with the technology that we have today rather than having to wait a day to find out the news. Some ways we could help this problem is to do in depth research on which communities are at risk of news desert or we could increase funding to news deserts. 


    News deserts are becoming less popular with over seven million Americans now living without enough local news. And lods of journals are being laid off from work.In one of the maps shown in the presentation it showed that lots of cities only show one newspaper to their city. And some even show that they have none. News deserts are not just hurting local news stations across the United states, they are also hurting people that are in journalism by making them lose their jobs. Newspapers are something that provides news, people's views, and provides advertising. If we don't do something about news deserts soon we will lose newspapers as a whole in the coming years. 

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