Thursday, September 28, 2023

Privacy, Online & Off


    What I have learned through the first video by Juan Enriquez is that apps like facebook, instagram, and GPS are all like tattoos in a way. They are electronic tattoos that provide people with more information than a tattoo ever would. And by us having these we are losing the leverage we had to people that are watching what we do on your phone. And it is getting hard to hide from things like this because of facial recognition. By having this it makes it easier to find out things about strangers.By us using electronic tattoos we are closer to immortality because they will live a lot longer than we will live. These issues affect us because the internet always knows what we post. Therefore we need to be careful about what we put out there. The government could help this issue by creating something to stop electronic tattoos.

    In the second video I learned about how surveillance equipment is being sent to police stations around the United States. And how it is giving them sensitive information about us. One of the things that they are getting is our location. They can tell if you go to church or if you don't. Things like this used to be private but now they are not.

    With all of the videos that i watched one thing was the same in all of them. It is that the government is taking our privacy. This is affecting us by the government not even allowing us to go about our normal life without getting information about us. We could not even do anything wrong and they are still collecting this information “just in case” it is needed. How we can protect ourselves from this is to pay attention to things like this and not be oblivious to it. Also by watching what we post or even do or say out loud. 

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Diffusion of Innovations

    Netflix began to get more attention in the early 2000s. So many of the early adopters of Netflix liked it so much because it was convenient for the customers. It also had lots to choose from so you don't have to worry about them not having something you wanted to watch. A lot of people decided to change to online streaming services like Netflix because it is cheaper than having to pay for cable.I personally have noticed that when you are watching cable they often play over the same shows or movies. But with Netflix you don't have to worry about having nothing to watch because they change out what they offer every so often. Netflix also does not make you wait for a new episode of a show, it offers you the whole season so that you can binge watch whenever you want. 

    But for some people that is not what they are wanting. Some people even refuse to get any streaming services like Netflix. Some people say that they like to use cable because their shows are not available on streaming services or that the internet is unreliable at times and can cause slow services. Cable also offers a wide range of channels while streaming services like Netflix only offer one kind of content. Some of the down sides of streaming services like Netflix is that it causes binge watching.
 Binge watching can cause health risks like having an addictive personality, sleeping problems, and even cause you to develop depression, anxiety and even loneliness. The other thing that is bad about streaming services is that it makes younger kids not want to enjoy being outside and hanging out with friends. I think overall it is a good idea to get services like Netflix if you are older because most of the time you don't have time to binge watch a show. And lots of times friends like to watch shows together and not having to watch ads is a plus.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

EOTO Technology



    What I have learned through the presentations about the printing press is that it was designed by the Chinese in the 3rd century.And that  The Gutenberg press was what really started the printing press. The purpose for the parenting press was for them to keep up with the demand of books and text across the world. By creating the printing press there was a positive effect. The impact that it had on us was that it became easier for others to create books and text in a more affordable way. And by it being created in an affordable way it became cheaper for the customers. I also learned how the printing press works. First the image is pressed into a metal plate by a chemical reaction. Then water is rolled across the metal plate covering the image. Then the ink is rolled onto the metal plate across the image. And lastly the metal plate is pressed agents the paper to transfer the image. The printing press has had a lot of impact on today's world but there are some positive and negative things that the printing press has given us. Some of the positive things that the printing press has given us is that it is faster, cheaper, and more affordable to make books and text. It also allows uniform production of books and text. And it allows individuals to be able to be more informed and educated. Some of the negative things that the printing press gave us is that it emitted toxins from ink and paper. It also causes a widespread pollution in modern industrial areas. It also forced kids to work in factories. Overall I learned lots about the printing press that I did not know.

Monday, September 11, 2023

EOTO timeline

     Most of us have grown up on Netflix but if you don't know what it is. Netflix is an online subscription streaming service that offers access to online movies and tv shows with lots of different genres. Netflix also is not just for America they are available internationally and also provide lots of different languages. Most of us know Netflix as an online streaming service. But that's not how they stated. Netflix wanted to change the market. At the time it was inconvenient to rent movies and people often got late fees for returning their movies back in late. 

Netflix was created by two Americans named Marc Randolph and Reed Hastings in 1997. It started because Marc was curious if it was possible to rent a DVD by the mail instead of having to drive to the store. Marc wanted a way to not have a limited choice of movies and have to deal with late fees. The two of them had a bad encounter with one of the stores and were tired of dealing with the stores. They decided to test out their idea on themselves. Their idea worked and they started working on their idea for Netflix.

    In 1998 was when it all started. They launched and began to offer online subscriptions through the internet. Customers of Netflix would go onto their website and get to pick either a movie or TV show of their choosing and Netflix would then send them a DVD and a return envelope through the mail to the customer. Most customers would subscribe for one month at a time.During that one month customers had no limit to how many movies or tv shows they could rent. But the number of DVD’s that could get sent to you was according to what plan you were on. 

In 2007 is when Netflix made the big change.They started to offer movies and TV shows in homes. So there was no need for stores that offered DVD’s. From that time on Netflix has been making big changes with even coming out with some of their own Netflix originals like Outer Banks, Stranger Things, and The Crown and many more. These shows have become some of Netflix's biggest hits on the streaming services. 

While researching I have learned that there are positives and negative things with Netflix. Some of the positives is that they made it easier for people to watch movies and not have to worry about late fees. Netflix also has algorithms just like most apps. Netflix has a section to pick from called “based on what you have watched” which is where Netflix offers shows that are like ones you have already watched. I know for me personally I love picking things to watch from that section because it is just what I like. 

But when there's positive there is also negative. Although Netflix has made it so much easier to find movies you want to watch and not have to go though the troubles of having to find somewhere that has it and having to remember to return it in time so that you don't get a late fee. They have started to make other movie companies that work this way like Blockbuster shut down for good. It is also making the cable services suffer because with Netflix you don't have ads and you don't have to wait for the next episode.

As Netflix continues to grow we as customers need to recognize the positives and negatives of what netflix has to offer.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

The Founding Era

     Something that I learned while watching the videos was that the 1st amendment is not a shield against general applicability meaning that you can not use your religion as an excuse to not do something. I think the most important take away was that the state has all the power and the individuals have no power. What surprised me was that they intentionally made the federal government weak and made the states government strong so that the states is a buffer between individual and federal government. After I watched the video my thoughts of the supreme court is that they are doing things intentionally to benefit them. 

Saturday, September 9, 2023

5 sources of news


CNN is a twenty four hour news network that I and people across the globe depend on. CNN is available through their mobile app, web and television. CNN provides its viewers with trending, top stories, and even international news. CNN also keeps all of their news articles on their website which can come in handy at times as I try and look for good sources for a paper or project. CNN is also very easy to access which is why I love it so much.

Instagram is a very popular app with this most people I use this app to keep up to date with friends and family that I may not get to see as much as I wish to. But that is not all that instagram is good for you can also keep up to date with your favorite sports teams, celebrities, and get informed about breaking news. Instagram's main purpose may not be to show you new news but, Instagram does algorithms so your feed is fit to like what you are interested in. 

ESPN stands for entertainment and sports programming network. ESPN covers all sports and keeps you up to date on the scores, time of the games and more. For me ESPN has always been a part of my childhood. Every Saturday my brother and dad would have ESPEN on the Tv. They would even put it on the radio if we were going on a trip somewhere. ESPN is a platform that catches everyone's eye and that is for all ages.

I also get some of my news just by talking with friends and family members. I may be have a conversation with someone and they tell me something that they saw in the news that I have  yet to see. Getting news from others is also good to get a different perspective on things in the news. 

NBC is a news broadcasting network that has platforms across all different forms, some being cable tv, online, and on an app. NBC is known for their morning and nightly news. For me NBC is also a big part of my childhood. Every time it would snow we would put it on the tv and put on NBC to see if school was canceled. 

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Week 2. pt2: The 8 values of free expression

     As an American I have always had the freedom to say whatever I wanted and do whenever I wanted to.To have the right to be able to say stuff that others may find disagreeable is very important for me in this day and age.  

   For me personally I think the most important one that relates to me the most is individual self-fulfillment or other known as freedom of speech. This one is most important to me because I think it is important to be able to express what you are feeling towards something and not get punished for doing so. 

    Throughout the last couple of decades we have seen individual self fulfillment through lots of different things. One example is when the banks closed during the great depression. When the banks first started to close rumors were spread. Lots of them saying that the banks were running out of money which made others go and try and get money out which made the crash even worse. 

    Individual self-fulfillment is not just shown in events that have happened, it can be shown in simple things in life like when you go to a job interview or even in romantic relationships. 

There are lots of court cases that have to do with freedom of speech that have happened during my time. One of the ones I wanted to point out is Elonis V. U.S. This court case is the first time that the court has accepted a position threat that happened on social media. Anthony Elonis was charged with threatening his ex wife, coworkers, a kindergarten class, and the local police. Elonis was posting things on Facebook. that sounded threatening to his ex wife and others that were important in his life. Prairie to him making the threats his wife left him right after he lost his job. After the changes to his life he started to make posts on facebook that sounded threatening. At the trial Elonis stated that the commoments on facebook were not meant to be threatening anyone.He tried to blame it on that he was making those comments based on a popular rap artist and that it was a coping with the recent events in his life. Even though others saw the comments as threatening. Elonis stills claimed that he did not mean it in a literal seans. He ended up getting convicted for five counts and had to serve 44 months in prison. 

    For me it is very important that I get to have the freedom of speech. In the times we are living in it is important that we stand up for what we believe. It is important that we tell the government when we disagree with them. I live by a quote that says “if you believe very strongly about something stand up for it” by Roy Bennett. For me this quotes means that you have to stand up and not just take other people's side because it is easier or you should never feel uncomfortable telling others what you think.

My relationship with technology

  My relationship with technology has always been a big part of my life. And as I grew up it started to be something that I have to rely on....