Saturday, September 9, 2023

5 sources of news


CNN is a twenty four hour news network that I and people across the globe depend on. CNN is available through their mobile app, web and television. CNN provides its viewers with trending, top stories, and even international news. CNN also keeps all of their news articles on their website which can come in handy at times as I try and look for good sources for a paper or project. CNN is also very easy to access which is why I love it so much.

Instagram is a very popular app with this most people I use this app to keep up to date with friends and family that I may not get to see as much as I wish to. But that is not all that instagram is good for you can also keep up to date with your favorite sports teams, celebrities, and get informed about breaking news. Instagram's main purpose may not be to show you new news but, Instagram does algorithms so your feed is fit to like what you are interested in. 

ESPN stands for entertainment and sports programming network. ESPN covers all sports and keeps you up to date on the scores, time of the games and more. For me ESPN has always been a part of my childhood. Every Saturday my brother and dad would have ESPEN on the Tv. They would even put it on the radio if we were going on a trip somewhere. ESPN is a platform that catches everyone's eye and that is for all ages.

I also get some of my news just by talking with friends and family members. I may be have a conversation with someone and they tell me something that they saw in the news that I have  yet to see. Getting news from others is also good to get a different perspective on things in the news. 

NBC is a news broadcasting network that has platforms across all different forms, some being cable tv, online, and on an app. NBC is known for their morning and nightly news. For me NBC is also a big part of my childhood. Every time it would snow we would put it on the tv and put on NBC to see if school was canceled. 

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