Thursday, October 5, 2023

Living in the Age of AI

     While watching this video I learned that AI is taking over our world if we want it too or not. AI has started to take people's jobs because you don't have to pay a robot to work so they also don't have to pay taxes. By using AI in jobs it is making us either lose our job completely or to go to a less paying job. Which is making us have more people in need to rely on shelters for food or basic needs. 

    AI is causing more mortality in our world. Which even affects the younger generation. They are known to be more depressed and even to repeat a grade. It is also making it harder to be able to advance past your parents in the workplace. AI has even started to move to being in fast food changes. AI is going to make us split because it is going to continue to make the rich more rich and the poor more poor. By AI making automated systems it is going to make us not have a middle class anymore. AI is getting rid of blue collar jobs by replacing them with robots. 

    AI is also shown in our social media.Social media is searching us, we are not searching them.They can tell every detail about you your thoughts, dreams, and even your desires. They can even tell everything you are doing that day by you sending texts or searching something on Google

    Some important takeaways from this is that AI might have some good things about it but overall it is not what we are wanting. AI is too advanced for us and it is over all hurting us. Something that surprised me is that AI can tell everything about us just by getting little information about us.They can tell how to create my algorithms so that they are
related to my likes and needs. The other thing that surprised me is how AI can be looking and listening to us at all times. And how some people even invite them into their homes. Overall this video has made me realize how much AI is starting to take over our world and not for the good. 

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